Moving to England with your Dog: Requirements, Fees & Quarantine Info

Thinking about moving to England with your dog?

Whether your job is taking you across the pond to England or you’re itching to get your Master’s degree abroad, including your dog on your move is like taking your family with you (without having to claim any dependents on your visa)! Checking all of the right boxes is necessary for a safe, and stress free journey. Lucky for you, Sheila and I have already traveled through England together for an extended period of time, so we are seasoned experts on the subject. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know before, during and after your move to England with your dog, as well as options for moving to England without putting your pet in cargo on a plane.

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Finding an Accredited Vet

Before embarking on your move to England with your dog, I highly advise finding two trustworthy vets: one in the states and one in Europe. Your American vet will issue your USDA Health Certificate and handle relations with the Animal and Plant Inspection Services (APHIS) in the states. To find an accredited vet in any state, visit the APHIS portal here.

If you don’t yet have a European Pet Passport, I highly recommend finding a European vet before you leave the states and making an appointment. Your European vet will be able to issue you your pet passport, as well as the treatments necessary in order to enter the UK.

Your European vet doesn’t need to be accredited, and I have found that most vets issue European Pet Passports to travelers.

Pet Travel Fast Resources Guide

🐾 Our Favorite App for Finding Pet Friendly Trains and Planes : Omnio

🐾 Travel Essentials for Your Pet: Amazon 

🐾 Best Option for Finding Pet Friendly Accommodation:

Requirements, Fees, and Paperwork

Moving to England with a dog requires the following which can also be referenced on the UK’s governmental page.

1. Microchip Requirements

A microchip is a small transplant used as a permanent form of identification for your pet. If you are like most American pet owners, your dog has been microchipped since the first few months of being in your care, so for many, this is a simple requirement to follow, and requires no extra effort! If your pet is not microchipped, most vets are able to administer this for relatively low cost and discomfort.

2. Rabies Vaccination Requirement

Make sure your pet’s rabies vaccine is updated and valid to last through your entry into England. If it’s not, schedule to update the vaccine at least 22 days before you leave the country. This will ensure that you are abiding by the “21-day rule” that prevents pet owners from traveling with their pets within 21 days of receiving a primary vaccine. You will carry a print of your rabies vaccine certificate in every country you travel to, to accompany your pet passport, so it’s really important!

Pro tip: For international pet travel, accredited American vets also advise having the vet administering the rabies vaccine sign your rabies vaccine certificate in blue ink to accompany your European Pet Passport. I recommend having your vet print and sign a couple of rabies certificates, just to be on the safe side.

3. Echinococcus Treatment Requirement

1-5 days before entering England, the UK requires that your dog is treated for Echinococcus, or tapeworm. This is a simple oral medication that all vets should have no issue administering. If you have a European Pet Passport already, this treatment can be administered by the vet before you leave the United States, as long as it is within the 5 day window required by the UK border control.

If you don’t have a European Pet Passport quite yet, this treatment will have to be administered by a vet in Europe prior to your entry into the UK. Again, any European vet should be able to provide this for you and mark it in your pet passport. There’s a whole section on the pet passport for treatments like this.

If the European Pet Passport is a foreign concept to you, check out this section of my blog, Moving to Europe with Your Dog in 2023.

4. USDA Health Certificate

You must obtain a USDA Health Certificate from your accredited American vet within 10 days of leaving the country and entering the UK. The USDA Health Certificate has an expiration date, so you must ensure your travel plans align with this 10 day window.

Moving to England with Your Dog- Sheila in her rain jacket in England.

Can my dog fly in a cabin with me to England?

Unfortunately, dogs are not permitted in cabin while flying into or out of the United Kingdom. They are required to fly in cargo overseas. While many dogs have safely been transported to their new homes this way, I have never been able to stomach the idea of my 8 pound yorkipoo under a plane for 8 or more hours.

For this reason, Sheila and I have found a travel work around. Instead of flying through the United Kingdom, we fly with United to one of the neighboring countries to the UK (Paris or Brussels), and take the train, and then a Pet Taxi through the Eurotunnel.

While this option costs an additional $650 or so, it is completely worth it for the peace of mind that I have with her in my lap as we fly across the planet together.

For more details on options for crossing the UK border with a dog (without a car) and without your dog being in cargo of a plane, read my blog, Moving to Europe with Your Dog in 2023.

Do I have to quarantine my dog when I move to England?

No, no quarantine is necessary as long as the above requirements are satisfied in the correct windows of time.

Pet Travel Fast Resources Guide

🐾 Our Favorite App for Finding Pet Friendly Trains and Planes : Omnio

🐾 Travel Essentials for Your Pet: Amazon 

🐾 Best Option for Finding Pet Friendly Accommodation:

Transfer of Residence Relief

When moving to England with a pet, one important aspect to consider is the Application for Transfer of Residence Relief (ToR1). ToR1 is a form that needs to be completed to claim relief from paying customs duty and import VAT on your pet when bringing them into the country. Here is an explanation of the ToR1 process:

Eligibility: To be eligible for ToR1, you must meet certain criteria. You need to be moving your normal place of residence to England from outside the European Union (EU) or European Free Trade Association (EFTA) area. This means that you must have been living outside of the EU or EFTA for at least 12 consecutive months before moving to England. Additionally, your pet must have lived with you for at least six months before the move.

Completing the ToR1 form: The ToR1 form is available online on the UK government’s website. You will need to provide information about yourself, your pet, and details of your move. The form will require your personal details, such as name, address, and contact information. You will also need to provide information about your pet, including its species, breed, age, and microchip details. It’s important to fill in all the required fields accurately to avoid any delays or complications.

Supporting documents: Along with the ToR1 form, you will need to submit supporting documents to verify your eligibility. This may include proof of your residency outside the EU or EFTA for the specified period, such as utility bills, lease agreements, or tax documents. You will also need to provide evidence of your pet’s microchip and rabies vaccination records. It’s essential to gather all the necessary documents before submitting the application to ensure a smooth process.

Submission and processing: Once you have completed the ToR1 form and gathered the supporting documents, you can submit the application online. The form will require you to create an account on the UK government’s website. After submitting the application, it will be reviewed by the authorities. The processing time can vary, so it’s advisable to submit the application well in advance of your planned move to allow for any potential delays.

Notification and clearance: If your ToR1 application is approved, you will receive a notification stating that you are eligible for Transfer of Residence Relief. This means that you will not have to pay customs duty and import VAT on your pet when bringing them into England. The notification will provide instructions on the next steps to follow, which may include presenting the documentation to customs officials upon arrival in England.

It’s important to note that while ToR1 provides relief from customs duty and import VAT, there may still be other requirements to fulfill when bringing a pet to England, such as complying with specific health and vaccination regulations. It’s recommended to consult the official government websites or contact the relevant authorities, such as the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), for detailed and up-to-date information on the specific requirements for moving with pets to England.

Maximum Number of Pets You Can Bring to England

The maximum number of pets you can bring to England is 2

Conclusion: Moving to England with a Dog: Requirements, Fees & Quarantine Info

While Moving to England with a Dog can be a bit of a tedious process, it is totally doable and well worth it to have your furry companion alongside you. My steps for coordinating moving abroad with my dog have saved me thousands of dollars on pet relocation fees. I hope I have been able to provide you with guidance that will do the same!

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